Native frugivory bibliography

Native frugivory bibliography
Native frugivore Data
Native frugivory databases
New native frugivory records

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References have been subdivided into the following categories

[Native birds]    [Native mammals]      [Lizards]    [Other species]

Native birds

Allen, R. B. and Lee, W. G. (1992). "Fruit selection by birds in relation to fruit abundance and appearance in the naturalized shrub Berberis darwinii." New Zealand Journal of Botany 30(2): 121-124.

Angher, G.R. (1984). Ecology and behaviour of the stitchbird. Internal report to the New Zealand Wildlife Service, Wellington .

Annonymous (1995). "Volunteer efforts bring good results;  Getting the rats out of the Gulf." Greenseas(23 April): 10.

Armstrong, D. P. and Perrott, J. K. (2000). "An experiment testing whether condition and survival are limited by food supply in a reintroduced Hihi population." Conservation Biology 14(4): 1171-1181.

Atkinson, I. A. E. and Greenwood, R. M. (1989). "Moas and plants." New Zealand Journal of Ecology 12 (supplement): 67-96.

Atkinson, I. A. E. and Millener, P. R. (1991). "An ornithological glimpse into New Zealand's pre-human past." Acta XX Congressus Internationalis Ornithologici, Clout, M. N. and Paton, D. C., (Eds.), New Zealand ornithological congress trust board. 129-192.

Bairlein, F. (1991). "Nutritional adaptations to fat deposition in the long-distance migratory garden warbler Sylvia borin." Acta XX Congressus Internationalis OrnithologiciNew Zealand ornithological congress trust board. 2149-2158.

Baker, A. (1999). "Food plants of Bellbird (Anthornis melanura), Tui (Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae) and New Zealand Pigeon (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae) in Dunedin." Notornis 46(2): 270-272.

Baker, H. G., Baker, I. and Hodges, S. A. (1998). "Sugar composition of nectars and fruits consumed by birds and bats in the tropics and subtropics." Biotropica 30(4): 559-586.

Barlow Bryan, A. and Schodde, R. (1993). "Bird dispersal of loranthaceous mistletoes to remote Pacific Islands: Symbiosis in default." Beaufortia 43(8): 124-129.

Barnett, S., (Ed.) (1985). "New Zealand in the wild;  An Illustrated A-Z of native and introduced birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians." Auckland, New Zealand, William Collins Publishers Ltd. 128 pp.

Best, H. A. and Bellingham, P. J. (1990). "A habitat survey of North Island Kokako in Puketi Forest, Northland." Department of Conservation, Science & Research series, No. 17.

Beveridge, A. E. (1964). "Dispersal and destruction of seed in central North Island podocarp forests." Proceedings of the New Zealand Ecological Society 11: 48-55.

Beveridge, A. E. (1965). "Durable seedtraps." New Zealand Forest Service Forest Research Institute, Research leaflet 9.

Beveridge, A. E. (1973). "Regeneration of podocarps in a central North Island Forest." New Zealand Journal of Forestry 18: 23-35.

Brown, K. P., Moller, H., Innes, J. and Jansen, P. (1998). "Identifying predators at nests of small birds in a New Zealand forest." Ibis 140: 274-279.

Buddenhagen, C. E. (1995). "The effects of possums and other introduced herbivores on Dysoxylum spectabile (kohekohe) forests." MSc Thesis, Botany, University of Auckland, Auckland.

Buller, W. L. (1888). "A history of the birds of New Zealand." London, The Author.

Burrows, C. J. (1994a). "Fruit types and seed dispersal modes of woody plants in Ahuriri Summit Bush, Port Hills, western Banks Peninsula, Canterbury, New Zealand." New Zealand Journal of Botany 32(2): 169-181.

Burrows, C. J. (1994b). "Fruit Types and Seed Dispersal Modes of Woody-Plants in Ahuriri Summit Bush, Port-Hills, Western Banks Peninsula, Canterbury, New-Zealand." New Zealand Journal of Botany 32(2): 169-181.

Burrows, C. J. (1994c). "Fruit, seeds, birds and the forests of Banks Peninsula." New Zealand Natural Sciences 21: 87-107.

Burrows, C. J. (1994d). "Seed Trapping in Ahuriri-Summit-Bush-Scenic-Reserve, Port- Hills, Western Banks Peninsula, 1985-86." New Zealand Journal of Botany 32(2): 183-215.

Burrows, C. J. (1995a). "Germination behaviour of seeds of the New Zealand species Fuchsia excorticata, Griselinia littoralis, Macropiper excelsum, and Melicytus ramiflorus." New Zealand Journal of Botany 33(1): 131-140.

Burrows, C. J. (1995b). "Germination behaviour of the seeds of six New Zealand woody plant species." New Zealand Journal of Botany 33(3): 365-377.

Castro, I. , Minot , E.O. & Alley, J.C. (1994a). Feeding and breeding behaviour of hihi or stitchbirds (Notiomystis cincta) recently transferred to Kapiti Island , New Zealand , and possible management alternatives. Reintroduction Biology of Australasian Fauna. Surrey , Beatty and Sons, Healesville , Australia .

Castro, I. , Alley, J.C., Empson, R.A. & Minot, E.O. (1994b). Translocation of hihi or stitchbird (Notiomystis cincta) to Kapiti Island , New Zealand : transfer techniques and comparison of release strategies. Reintroduction Biology of Australasian Fauna. Surrey , Beatty and Sons. Healesville , Australia .

Castro, I. (1995). "Behavioural ecology and management of hihi (Notiomystis cincta), an endemic New Zealand honeyeater." PhD Thesis, Ecology, Massy University, Palmerston North: 111

Castro, I. and Robertson, A., W. (1997). "Honeyeaters and the New Zealand forest flora: The utilisation and profitability of small flowers." New Zealand Journal of Ecology 21(2): 169-179.

Caughley, G. (1989). "New Zealand plant-herbivore systems: past and present." New Zealand Journal of Ecology 12(supplement): 3-10.

Clout, M. (1990). "The Kereru and its forests." Birds International 2(4): 10-19.

Clout, M. N. and Craig, J. L. (1995). "The conservation of critically endangered flightless birds in New Zealand." Ibis 137: 181-190.

Clout, M. N. and Gaze, P. D. (1984a). "Effects of plantation forestry on birds in New Zealand." Journal of Applied Ecology 21: 795-815.

Clout, M. N. and Gaze, P. D. (1984b). "Effects of Plantation Forestry on Birds in New-Zealand." Journal of Applied Ecology 21(3): 795-815.

Clout, M. N., Gaze, P. D., Hay, J. R. and Karl, B. J. (1986). "Habitat use and spring movements of New Zealand pigeons at Lake Rotoroa, Nelson Lakes National Park." Notornis 33: 37-44.

Clout, M. N. and Hay, J. R. (1989a). "The importance of birds as browsers, pollinators and seed dispersers in New Zealand forests." New Zealand Journal of Ecology 12 (supplement): 27-33.

Clout, M. N. and Hay, J. R. (1989b). "The Importance of Birds as Browsers, Pollinators and Seed Dispersers in New-Zealand Forests." New Zealand Journal of Ecology 12: 27-33.

Clout, M. N., Karl, B. J. and Gaze, P. D. (1991). "Seasonal movements of New Zealand pigeons from a lowland forest reserve." Notornis 38(1): 37-47.

Clout, M. N., Karl, B. J., Pierce, R. J. and Robertson, H. A. (1995a). "Breeding and survival of New-Zealand pigeons Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae." Ibis 137(2): 264-271.

Clout, M. N., Karl, B. J., Pierce, R. J. and Robertson, H. A. (1995b). "Breeding and Survival of New-Zealand Pigeons Hemiphaga- Novaeseelandiae." Ibis 137(2): 264-271.

Cooper, A., Atkinson, I. A. E., Lee, W. G. and Worthy, T. H. (1993). "Evolution of the moa and their effect on the New-Zealand flora." Trends in Ecology & Evolution 8(12): 433-437.

Cowan, P. E. and Waddington, D. C. (1990a). "Suppression of fruit production of the endemic forest tree, Elaeocarpus dentatus, by introduced marsupial brushtail possums, Trichosurus vulpecula." New Zealand Journal of Botany 28(3): 217-224.

Cowan, P. E. and Waddington, D. C. (1990b). "Suppression of fruit production of the endemic forest tree, Elaeocarpus dentatus, by the introduced marsupial brushtail possum, Trichosurus vulpecula." New Zealand Journal of Botany 28: 217-224.

Craig, J., Anderson, S., Clout, M., Creese, B., Mitchell, N., Ogden, J., Roberts, M. and Ussher, G. (2000). "Conservation issues in New Zealand." Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 31: 61-78.

Craig, J. L., Stewart, A. M. and Douglas, M. E. (1981). "The foraging of New Zealand honeyeaters." New Zealand Journal of Ecology 8: 87-91.

Craig, J.L., (1984). Wing noises, wing slots, and aggression in New Zealand honeyeaters (Aves: Meliphagidae). New Zealand Journal of Ecology. 11:195-200.

Craw, R. C. (1985). "Classic problems of southern hemisphere biogeography re-examined.  Panbiogeographic analysis of the New Zealand frog Leiopelma, the ratite birds and Nothofagus." Zeitschrift fur zoologische systematik und evolutionsforschung 23(1): 1-10.

Crookes, M. (1926). "Plant life in Maoriland.  A botanist's Note Book." Auckland, Whitcombe & Tombs Limited. 23-26 pp.

Cuthbert, R., Fletcher, D. and Davis, L. S. (2001). "A sensitivity analysis of Hutton's shearwater: prioritizing conservation research and management." Biological Conservation 100: 163-172.

Cuthbert, R., Sommer, E. and Davis, L. S. (2000). "Seasonal variation in the diet of stoats in a breeding colony of Hutton's shearwaters." New Zealand Journal of Zoology 27(4): 367-373.

Davis, A., Bellingham, M. and Molloy, J. (1992). "Who goes into the ark?" Forest and Bird May: 38-41.

Dawson, D. G. and Bull, P. C. (1975). "Counting birds in New Zealand forests." Notornis 22(2): 101-109.

Dickison, M. (1997). "Molecular and Morphological Phylogenies of the Ratites: the implications for moa and kiwi evolution."

Dowding, J. E. and Murphy, E. C. (2001). "The impacts of predation by introduced mammals on endemic shorebirds of New Zealand: a conservation perspective." Biological Conservation 99: 47-64.

Falla, R. A., Sibson, R. B. and Turbott, E. G. (1979). "The new guide to the birds of New Zealand and outlying islands." Auckland, Collins. 247 pp.

Ferguson, R. N. and Drake, D. R. (1999). "Influence of vegetation structure on spatial patterns of seed deposition by birds." New Zealand Journal of Botany 37: 671-677.

Fitzgerald, A. E. and Wardle, P. (1979). "Food of the opossum Trichosurus Vulpecula (Kerr) in the Waiho Valley, South Westland." New Zealand Journal of Zoology 6(2): 339-345.

Giles, S. and Lill, A. (1999). "The effect of fruit abundance, conspicuousness and sugar concentration on fruit colour choice by captive silvereyes." Ethology Ecology & Evolution 11(3): 229-242.

Grant, A. D., Powlesland, R. G., Dilks, P. J., Flux, I. A. and Tisdall, C. J. (1997). "Mortality, distribution, numbers and conservation of the Chatham Island pigeon (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae chathamensis)." Notornis 44(2): 65-77.

Gravatt, D.J. 1970. Honeyeater movements and the flowering cycle of vegetation on Little Barrier Island. Notornis 17: 96–101.

Greene, T. (1994). "Wenderholm Regional Park rodent control 1993 - 1994." Auckland Regional Parks Service, ARC Parks Technical Pulbication Series, 4.

Greenwood, R. M. and Atkinson, I. A. E. (1977). "Evolution of divaricating plants in New Zealand in relation to moa browsing." Proceedings of the New Zealand Ecological Society 24: 21-33.

Halkett, J. C. (1985). "Present status of the kokako and implications for forest management." New Zealand Journal of Forestry 30(2): 199 -208.

Hardy, G. S. and Whitaker, A. H. (1979). "The status of New Zealand's endemic reptiles and their conservation." Forest and Bird November: 34-39.

Haselmayer, J. and Jamieson, I. G. (2001). "Increased predation on pukeko eggs after the application of rabbit control measures." New Zealand Journal of Ecology 25(1): 89-93.

Haw, J. M., Clout, M. N. and Powlesland, R. G. (2001). "Diet of moreporks (Ninox novaeseelandiae) in Pureora Forest determined from prey remains in regurgitated pellets." New Zealand Journal of Ecology 25(1): 61-67.

Heather, B. D. and Robertson, H. A. (1996). "The field guide to the birds of New Zealand." Auckland, New Zealand, Viking, Penguin books Ltd. 432 pp.

Holdaway, R. N. (1989). "New Zealand's pre-human avifauna and its vulnerability." New Zealand Journal of Ecology 12(supplement): 11-25.

Holdaway, R. N. (1990). "Changes in the diversity of New Zealand forest birds." New Zealand Journal of Zoology 17: 309-321.

Holdaway, R. N. and Beavan, N. R. (1999). "Reliable 14C AMS dates on bird and Pacific rat Rattus exulans bone gelatin, from a CaCO3-rich deposit." Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 29(3): 185-211.

Innes, J. (1994). "The impacts of possums on native fauna." Possums as conservation pests, Proceedings of a workshop on possums as conservation pests organised by the possum and bovine tuberculosis control national science strategy committee, Christchurch, New Zealand, Colin, F. J. O. D., (Ed.) Department of Conservation. 11-15.

Innes, J., Brown, K., Jansen, P., Shorten, R. and Williams, D. (1996). "Kokako population studies at Rotoehu Forest and on Little Barrier." Department of Conservation, Science for Conservation, 30.

Innes, J. G., Williams, D. S. and Shorten, R. M. (1991). "North Island kokako - struggling to breed." Forest Research Institute, What's new in forest research, 208.

Karl, B. J. and Clout, M. N. (1987). "An Improved Radio Transmitter Harness with a Weak Link to Prevent Snagging." Journal of Field Ornithology 58(1): 73-77.

King, C. (1984). "Immigrant killers.  Introduced predators and the conservation of birds in New Zealand." Auckland, New Zealand, Oxford University Press. 224 pp.

Ladley, J. J. and Kelly, D. (1996). "Dispersal, germination and survival of New Zealand mistletoes (Loranthaceae): dependence on birds." New Zealand Journal of Ecology 21(1): 69-79.

Lee, W. G., Clout, M. N., Robertson, H. A. and Wilson, J. B. (1991). "Avian dispersers and fleshy fruits in New Zealand." Acta XX Congressus Internationalis Ornithologici, Clout, M. N. and Paton, D. C., (Eds.), New Zealand ornithological congress trust board. 1617-1623.

Lee, W. G., Weatherall, I. L. and Wilson, J. B. (1994). "Fruit conspicuousness in some New Zealand Coprosma (Rubiaceae) species." Oikos 69(1): 87-94.

Lee, W. G., Macmillan, B. H., Partridge, T. R., Lister, R. and Lloyd, K. M. (2001). "Fruit features in relation to the ecology and distribution of Acaena (Rosaceae) species in New Zealand." New Zealand Journal of Ecology 25(1): 17-27.

Levey, D. J. (1991). "Digestive processing of fruits and its consequences for fruit-frugivore coevolution." Acta XX Congressus Internationalis Ornithologici, Clout, M. N. and Paton, D. C., (Eds.), New Zealand ornithological congress trust board. 1624-1625.

Lidgard, L. H. (1930). "An investigation of the Puriri (Vitex lucens, Kirk)." MSc Thesis, Botany, Auckland University College, Auckland: 122 p. tables 26 cm.

Lord, J. (1999). "Fleshy-fruitedness in the New Zealand flora." Journal of Biogeography 26(6): 1249-1253.

Lovegrove, T. 1986. Stitchbirds on Kapiti Island 1983–1985. Internal report to the New Zealand Department of Conservation, Wellington .

Lovegrove, T. (1988). "Counts of forest birds on Kapiti Island ." Department of Conservation, Wanganui, Report to the Wellington Regional Offices: 15.  

Lovegrove, T. (1996). "Wenderholm Regional Park rodent control and monitoring of New Zealand pigeons (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae) 1995-1996." Auckland Regional Council Parks Service, Auckland, ARC Parks technical publication series, 6.

Mack, R. N., Simberloff, D., Lonsdale, W. M., Evans, H., Clout, M. and Bazzaz, F. A. (2000). "Biotic invasions: Causes, epidemiology, global consequences, and control." Ecological Applications 10(3): 689-710.

Mander, C., Hay, R. and Powlesland, R. G. (1998). "Monitoring and management of kereru (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae)." Department of Conservation, Wellington , Department of Conservation Technical Series, 15: 44 .

McDonald, R., Short, J. A., Cate, L., Lyall, K. and Orchard, R. (1999). "New technology for poison delivery." New Zealand Journal of Ecology 23(2): 289-292.

McEwen, W. M. (1978). "The food of the New Zealand pigeon (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae)." New Zealand Journal of Ecology 1: 99-108.

McGlone, M. S. and Clarkson, B. D. (1993). "Ghost stories: moa, plant defences and evolution in New Zealand." Tuatara 32: 1-21.

McLennan, J. A. and Potter, M. A. (1992). "Distribution, Population-Changes and Management of Brown Kiwi in Hawkes Bay." New Zealand Journal of Ecology 16(2): 91-102.

Millener, P. R. and Powlesland, R. G. (2001). "The Chatham Islands pigeon (Parea) deserves full species status; Hemiphaga chathamensis (Rothschild 1891); Aves : Columbidae." Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 31(2): 365-383.

Mills, J. A., Lavers, R. B., Lee, W. G. and Mara, M. K. (1991). "Food Selection by Takahe Notornis-Mantelli in Relation to Chemical-Composition." Ornis Scandinavica 22(2): 111-128.

Moles, A. T. and Drake, D. R. (1999). "Potential contributions of the seed rain and seed bank to regeneration of native forest under plantation pine in New Zealand." New Zealand Journal of Botany 37: 83-93.

Moorhouse, R. J. (1997). "The diet of the North Island kaka (Nestor meridionalis septentrionalis) on Kapiti Island." New Zealand Journal of Ecology 21(2): 141-152.

Moors, P. J. (1978). "Methods for studying predators and their effets on forest birds." The ecology and control of rodents in New Zealand nature reserves. Dingwall, P. R., Atkinson, I. A. E. and Hay, C., (Eds.), Department of Lands and Survey Information. 4: 47-56.

Morgan, D. R. (1990). "Behavioral-Response of Brushtail Possums, Trichosurus- Vulpecula, to Baits Used in Pest-Control." Australian Wildlife Research 17(6): 601-613.

Murphy, D. J. and Kelly, D. (2001). "Scarce or distracted? Bellbird (Anthornis melanura) foraging and diet in an area of inadequate mistletoe pollination." New Zealand Journal of Ecology 25(1): 69-81.

Murphy, E. C., Robbins, L., Young, J. B. and Dowding, J. E. (1999). "Secondary poisoning of stoats after an aerial 1080 poison operation in Pureora Forest, New Zealand." New Zealand Journal of Ecology 23(2): 175-182.

Murphy, S. R., Reid, N., Yan, Z. and Venables, W. N. (1993). "Differential passage time of mistletoe fruits through the gut of honeyeaters and flowerpeckers: Effects on seedling establishment." Oecologia 93(2): 171-176.

Myers, S. C. (1984). "Studies in the ecology of Beilschmiedia tarairi (A. Cunn.) Benth. et Hook. F. ex Kirk." MSc Thesis, Botany, University of Auckland, Auckland: 144

Norton, D. A., Hobbs, R. J. and Atkins, L. (1995). "Fragmentation, disturbance, and plant distribution: Mistletoes in woodland remnants in the western Australian wheatbelt." Conservation Biology 9(2): 426-438.

Nugent, G. (1992). "Big-game, small-game, and gamebird hunting in New Zealand: Hunting effort, harvest, and expenditure in 1988." New Zealand Journal of Zoology 19(3-4): 75-90.

Odonnell, C. F. J. and Dilks, P. J. (1994). "Foods and Foraging of Forest Birds in Temperate Rain-Forest, South Westland, New-Zealand." New Zealand Journal of Ecology 18(2): 87-107.

Paton, D. C. (1991). "Variation in Melphagid morphology and its influence on pollen dispersal in Australian plants." Acta XX Congressus Internationalis Ornithologici, Clout, M. N. and Paton, D. C., (Eds.), New Zealand ornithological congress trust board. 1611-1616.

Perrott, J. K. (1997). "Effects of food supply and competition on the outcome of hihi (Notiomystis cincta) translocated to Mokoia Island ." Master of Science Thesis, Zoology, Massy University, Palmerston North: 88

Perrott, J. K. and Armstrong, D. P. (2000). "Vegetation composition and phenology of Mokoia Island, and implications for the reintroduced hihi population." New Zealand Journal of Ecology 24(1): 19-30.

Petrie, D. (1905). "On the pollination of the puriri (Vitex lucens, T. Kirk)." Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute - Botany 37: 409-11.

Powlesland, R., Grant, A., Dilks, P., Flux, I. and Bell, M. (1995a). "Some aspects of the ecology and breeding of parea on southern Chatham Island, July 1993 - April 1994." Department of Conservation, Wellington, Science and Research Series, 82: 30.

Powlesland, R. G. (1987). "The foods, foraging behaviour and habitat use of North Island kokako in Puketi State Forest, Northland." New Zealand Journal of Ecology 10: 117-128.

Powlesland, R. G., Dilks, P. J., Flux, I. A., Grant, A. D. and Tisdall, C. J. (1997). "Impact of food abundance, diet and food quality on the breeding of the fruit pigeon, parea Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae chathamensis, on Chatham Island, New Zealand." Ibis(2): 353-365.

Powlesland, R. G., Grant, A., Dilks, P. and Bell, M. (1994). "Some aspects of the ecology and breeding of parea on Southern Chatham Island.  July 1992 - April 1993." Department of Conservation, Wellington, Science and Research Series, 66: 35.

Powlesland, R. G., Knegtmans, J. W. and Marshall, I. S. J. (1999). "Costs and benefits of aerial 1080 possum control operations using carrot baits to North Island robins (Petroica australis longipes), Pureora Forest Park." New Zealand Journal of Ecology 23(2): 149-159.

Powlesland, R. G., Knegtmans, J. W. and Styche, A. (2000). "Mortality of North Island tomtits (Petroica macrocephala toitoi) caused by aerial 1080 possum control operations, 1997- 98, Pureora Forest Park." New Zealand Journal of Ecology 24(2): 161-168.

Powlesland, R. G. and Lloyd, B. D. (1994). "Use of supplementary feeding to induce breeding in free-living kakapo Strigops habroptilus in New-Zealand." Biological Conservation 69(1): 97-106.

Powlesland, R. G., Lloyd, B. D., Best, H. A. and Merton, D. V. (1992). "Breeding biology of the kakapo Strigops habroptilus on Stewart Island, New Zealand." Ibis 134(4): 361-373.

Powlesland, R. G., Roberts, A., Lloyd, B. D. and Merton, D. V. (1995b). "Number, fate, and distribution of Kakapo (Strigops habroptilus) found on Stewart Island, New Zealand, 1979-92." New Zealand Journal of Zoology 22(3): 239-248.

Rasch, G. (1985). The behavioural ecology and management of the stitchbird. MSc. Thesis, University of Auckland .

Rasch, G. (1991). A recovery plan for the stitchbird (Notiomystis cincta). Internal report to the New Zealand Department of Conservation, Wellington .

Reay, S. D. and Norton, D. A. (1999). "Assessing the success of restoration plantings in a temperate New Zealand forest." Restoration Ecology 7(3): 298-308.

Richardson, D. M., Allsopp, N., D'Antonio, C. M., Milton, S. J. and Rejmanek, M. (2000). "Plant invasions - the role of mutualisms." Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 75(1): 65-93.

Robertson, A. W., Kelly, D., Ladley, J. J. and Sparrow, A. D. (1999). "Effects of pollinator loss on endemic New Zealand mistletoes (Loranthaceae)." Conservation Biology 13(3): 499-508.

Robertson, H. A. and Hackwell, K. R. (1995). "Habitat preferences of birds in seral kahikatea Dacrycarpus dacrydioides (Podocarpaceae) forest of South Westland, New Zealand." Biological Conservation 71(3): 275-280.

Robin, J. M. and Carr, G. W. (1986). "Hybridisation between introduced and native plants in Victoria, Australia." Ecology of Biological Invasions. Groves, R. H., (Ed.). 1986: 156.

Rogers, G. M. and Leathwick, J. R. (1994). "North Island seral tussock grasslands 2. Autogenic succession: Change of tussock grassland to shrubland." New Zealand Journal of Botany 32(3): 287-303.

Spurr, E. B. and Warburton, B. (1991a). "Methods of measuring the proportions of plant species present in forest and their effect on estiamte of bird prefernces for plant species." New Zealand Journal of Ecology 15: 171-175.

Spurr, E. B. and Warburton, B. (1991b). "Methods of measuring the proportions of plant species present in forest and their effect on estimates of bird preferences for plant species." New Zealand Journal of Ecology 15(2): 171-175.

Spurr, E. B., Warburton, B. and Drew, K. W. (1992). "Bird Abundance in Different-Aged Stands of Rimu (Dacrydium- Cupressinum) - Implications for Coupe-Logging." New Zealand Journal of Ecology 16(2): 109-118.

Stanley, M. C., Smallwood, E. and Lill, A. (2002). "The response of captive silvereyes (Zosterops lateralis) to the colour and size of fruit." Australian Journal of Zoology 50: 205-213.

Stevens, G. R. (1991). "Geological evolution and biotic links in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic of the southwest Pacific." Acta XX Congressus Internationalis OrnithologiciNew Zealand ornithological congress trust board. 361-382.

Szabo, M. (1993). "Huia, the sacred bird." New Zealand Geographic 20(October-December): 34-42.

Thiollay, J.-M. (1991). "Food limitation in tropical bird populations." Acta XX Congressus Internationalis OrnithologiciNew Zealand ornithological congress trust board. 1576-1583.

Towns, D., R., Simberloff, D. and Atkinson, I., A. E. (1997). "Restoration of New Zealand islands: Redressing the effects of introduced species." Pacific Conservation Biology 3(2): 99-124.

Veitch, C. R. (1981). "Extinctions and introductions in the New Zealand avifauna: cause and effect?" Science 211: 499-501.

Warburton, B., Kingsford, S. J., Lewitt, D. W. and Spurr, E. B. (1992). "Plant-Species Preferences of Birds in Lowland Rimu (Dacrydium- Cupressinum) Forest - Implications for Selective-Logging." New Zealand Journal of Ecology 16(2): 119-126.

Williams, P. A. and Karl, B. J. (1996). "Fleshy fruits of indigenous and adventive plants in the diet of birds in forest remnants, Nelson, New Zealand." New Zealand Journal of Ecology 20(2): 127-145.

Willson, M. F. (1991). "Birds and fruits: How does this mutualism matter?" Acta XX Congressus Internationalis Ornithologici, Clout, M. N. and Paton, D. C., (Eds.), New Zealand ornithological congress trust board. 1630-1635.

Willson, M. F., Irvine, A. K. and Walsh, N. G. (1989). "Vertebrate dispersal syndromes in some Australian and New Zealand plant communities, with geographic comparisons." Biotropica 21(2): 133-147.

Please send additional reference citations to Astrid van Meeuwen

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Native mammals


Arkins, A. M., Winnington, A. P., Anderson, S. and Clout, M. N. (1999). "Diet and nectarivorous foraging behaviour of the short-tailed bat (Mystacina tuberculata)." Journal of Zoology 247: 183-187.

Baker, H. G., Baker, I. and Hodges, S. A. (1998). "Sugar composition of nectars and fruits consumed by birds and bats in the tropics and subtropics." Biotropica 30(4): 559-586.

Brockie, R. (1992). "A living New Zealand forest." Auckland, David Bateman. 172 pp.

Dijkgraaf, A. C. (2002). "Phenology and frugivory of large-fruited species in northern New Zealand and the impacts of introduced mammals." PhD Thesis, School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, Auckland: 413

Lord, J. M. (1991). "Pollination and seed dispersal in Freycinetia baureriana, a dioecious liane that has lost its bat pollinator." New Zealand Journal of Botany 29: 83-86.

Webb, C. J. and Kelly, D. (1993). "The reproductive biology of the New Zealand flora." Trends in Ecology & Evolution 8(12): 442-447.

Richardson, D. M., Allsopp, N., D'Antonio, C. M., Milton, S. J. and Rejmanek, M. (2000). "Plant invasions - the role of mutualisms." Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 75(1): 65-93.

Webb, C. J. and Kelly, D. (1993). "The reproductive biology of the New Zealand flora." Trends in Ecology & Evolution 8(12): 442-447.

Williams, P. A., Karl, B. J., Bannister, P. and Lee, W. G. (2000). "Small mammals as potential seed dispersers in New Zealand." Austral Ecology 25(5): 523-532.

Willson, M. F., Irvine, A. K. and Walsh, N. G. (1989). "Vertebrate dispersal syndromes in some Australian and New Zealand plant communities, with geographic comparisons." Biotropica 21(2): 133-147.

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Brockie, R. (1992). "A living New Zealand forest." Auckland, David Bateman. 172 pp.

Dijkgraaf, A. C. (2002). "Phenology and frugivory of large-fruited species in northern New Zealand and the impacts of introduced mammals." PhD Thesis, School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, Auckland: 413

Lee, W. G., Weatherall, I. L. and Wilson, J. B. (1994). "Fruit conspicuousness in some New Zealand Coprosma (Rubiaceae) species." Oikos 69(1): 87-94.

Webb, C. J. and Kelly, D. (1993). "The reproductive biology of the New Zealand flora." Trends in Ecology & Evolution 8(12): 442-447.

Whitaker, A. H. (1987). "The roles of lizards in New Zealand plant reproductive strategies." New Zealand Journal of Botany 25(2): 315-328.

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZBrockie, R. (1992). "A living New Zealand forest." Auckland, David Bateman. 172 pp.

Dijkgraaf, A. C. (2002). "Phenology and frugivory of large-fruited species in northern New Zealand and the impacts of introduced mammals." PhD Thesis, School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, Auckland: 413

Kelly, D. (1994). "The evolutionary ecology of mast seeding." Trends in Ecology & Evolution 9(12): 465-470.

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